Saturday, February 29, 2020

How to save more money without earning more?

Whenever our friends talk about saving, I always caught my friends by surprise with the amount I saved. We work in same industry and I am not earning a lot more than them. But when it comes to saving, I managed to saved more than they can. 

Assets or Liabilities
As Robert Kiyosaki says in his book Rich Dad and Poor Dad, before we buy something we should think about if the thing we are going to buy become assets or liabilities. Since I read that book I thought twice or thrice before I am getting something. I ask myself also how long will the happiness last after I bought it? Do I really need it? etc. We buy things for pleasure but do we really feel fulfill after we own them? Interesting fact is that due to human nature, we will never be satisfy with ourselves. There will always be things that we want after we possessed something. It's not your fault or anyone fault because it's just human nature. 

The enlightenment
Five years ago, I was enthusiastic about making more money because I want financial freedom in my life as early as possible. We all want that right? When I read more about making more money, I notice some articles mention that to save more money it's not about how much you earn. It's about how much you save. It enlightened me. I spend less compared to the time I earned lower than my current pay. I buy clothes and dresses I love only when there is promotion. It is lucky that I am the lady who don't like buying a lot of clothes and keep them in wardrobe. I don't like seeing a lot clothes in my wardrobe. So I normally wear dresses I love until they become faded color. I will throw them when they starting to look old and replace with news one. I don't keep a lot of shoes with me. I have one to two running shoe, one heel, one scandal and one formal shoe.  Don't get me wrong. I am not minimalist but I support minimalism. I notice that some of my friends will love to buy stuffs when they are not very expensive. But to me, every $ count. If we buy 15$ cheap dress for 5, we are already spending 75$ in total. 

Rich doesn't act to look rich but middle class does
I agreed with that. My Singaporean boss lady does not own three LV bags and my boss does not wear hermes or LV belts yet I can see some of my colleagues own and wear them. No complains if you are buying those luxury brand to endure your stress and bring you happiness. However, we should not be doing that just to look rich and to impress others. Just my two cents only.

Last but not least
My suggestion to saving more money is think think think before you buy something. Do you really need that?